Guest Speaker
Ira Kodner, MD
Solon and Bettie Gershman Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Director, Center for the Study of Ethics and Human Values, Washington University School of Medicine
Homer G. Phillips Senior Living Community
After the Homer G. Phillips Hospital closed in 1979, many thought that this urban neighborhood was too far gone to risk capital development. Recognizing the historic importance of the structure, the former hospital was designated a City Landmark in 1980 by the St. Louis Board of Alderman, and in 1982 the Department of the Interior added it to the National Register of Historic Places. In 2003, after a $43 million renovation, the hospital reopened as the Homer G. Phillips Senior Living Community. In addition to including apartments for the elderly, the facility provides adult daycare, respite care, pharmacy, mental health and substance abuse treatment programs.
2014 Lecture Photo Gallery
Photo by Lois Ingrum – Artists Media Co-op
