Adia Harvey Wingfield, PhD
Adia Harvey Wingfield is the Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor of Arts & Sciences and Associate Dean for Faculty Development at Washington University in St. Louis. Her research examines how and why racial and gender inequality persists in professional occupations. Dr. Wingfield has lectured internationally on her research in this area, and her work has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals including Social Problems, Gender & Society, and American Behavioral Scientist. She is a former President of Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) and President-elect of the Southern Sociological Society (SSS), the largest regional professional sociological association in the US. In addition to her academic scholarship, Professor Wingfield has written for mainstream outlets including Slate, The Atlantic, Vox, and Harvard Business Review, and is the recipient of the 2018 Public Understanding of Sociology award from the American Sociological Association. Her most recent book is Flatlining: Race, Work, and Health Care in the New Economy.
Lecture Title: “’Raise the Conscience of the Nation:’ Promoting Health Equity in a Polarized Era”
The Celebration lecture will take place at 4:00 p.m. with a reception to follow. The event is free of charge and will be held in the Eric P. Newman Center at Washington University School of Medicine, 320 S. Euclid Ave. To RSVP, please call the Office of Diversity Programs 314-362-6854 or email Liz Riggs at eriggs@wustl.edu.