Aug 12 – 16, 2019

Before medical students hit the books, they hit the streets of St. Louis, where their ideals meet face-to-face the realities of health care in America.
The Washington University Medical Plunge (WUMP) is an orientation program providing first-year medical students with an overview of health care and public health in St. Louis through lectures, site visits and public health service projects.
2019 WUSM Plunge Schedule (subject to change)
WUMP lays a contextual foundation that empowers students to better contribute to their community, and creates a societal and ethical compass for our training to come.
— Victor Kovac, M1

WUMP offers an introduction to the social determinants of health, highlights the message of culturally competent health care and offers an excellent opportunity for service learning.
“The most meaningful part of the week is that I felt the responsibility to make a change in the tough public health issues in the St. Louis area… As a future physician, it is our privilege and responsibility to address these issues and work with the community to improve their general health…”
— Student participant
White coat ceremony

After completing WUMP, first-year students participate in the White Coat ceremony, where they take an oath promising honesty and integrity.
To learn more about WUMP and its focus on underprivileged patients, please take a look at the Record article “Incoming medical students receive crash course in health disparities.”
For more on the White Coat ceremony, see “Incoming medical students create a professional class oath” published in the Record and the White Coat website.